quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

-Veja Nosso Texto Em Inglês-

Little Text Of The Read

Read is one of best things of the universe, reading you can know a new
world, new peoples and etc...

The best thing of the reading, is can be everything what you want be, a singer, actor famous, writer, a teen ager with sentimental problems and know places unrealistic.

Many peoples think that read is very boring, but is not it, has no explanation just reading you can know how much you can be surprising with the read.

In this school we have a reading room, where we have book and more books for diferent culture, peoples, ages and etc. Any day why you don't visit the reading room you can like, but remember, don't judge nothing before knowing.

Este é nosso Texto Em Inglês que foi feito para Homenagear nossos professores de Inglês que nós ensinam uma língua que é usada quase em todo o mundo.
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